DDR Song Lists 愛道
Song lists for the dancing masses

Themes, More Bemani, and... More // natmal // 2007-03-22 22:51:57 EST So I've been tooling away at some more code this week; mostly fixes and things. This morning I put together a theming system and I tweaked the Guided Search. The guided search now even more acts like Newegg's search; when a category only has one choice, that category is omitted. Example: the only product Andamiro has on this site is Pump It Up, thus when you select 'Andamiro', the Series category will only have 'Pump It Up', so it's omitted from being displayed. The theming system will allow me to swap out stylesheets and images by reading a cookie. I actually plan to accept user submissions, and, though it's not a requirement, I'd like one or more of them to use the Emergy-C Low-Wattage Palette. It's a selection of six colors that don't use much energy to display on a CRT (White is only included as an accent color). The palette is as follows: #822007, #000, #B2BBC0, #19472B, #3D414C, and #FFF. Please make your submissions via DDRUK's IRC channel.