DDR Song Lists 愛道
Song lists for the dancing masses

Guided Search Series (Click to Remove)
Guitar Hero

Platform (Click to Remove)
PlayStation 2

Region (Click to Remove)
North America

2005 (1)
2006 (1)
2007 (2)
2008 (3)
Search Results (7)
ID Release Title Region Platform Release Date
315 Guitar Hero North America PlayStation 2 2005-11-07
317 Guitar Hero II North America PlayStation 2 2006-11-07
321 Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks the 80s North America PlayStation 2 2007-07-24
324 Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock North America PlayStation 2 2007-10-28
337 Guitar Hero Aerosmith North America PlayStation 2 2008-06-??
341 Guitar Hero Aerosmith North America PlayStation 2 2008-06-??
342 Guitar Hero Aerosmith North America PlayStation 2 2008-06-??