DDR Song Lists 愛道
Song lists for the dancing masses

Codename: Road of Love // natmal // 2007-02-20 11:49:39 EST Yeah, I know. I scrapped my site again. I keep learning new things, and the old designs just seem to continually get worse as my tastes mature. I'm experimenting with divs and CSS, among other things. The site is, as usual, being developed in Firefox, though I do plan to test in IE, and occasionally in Links2 (Yes, the Linux-based CLI text browser).

I also have a few things in mind, especially for the navigation and layout. I'm looking into a NewEgg-style Guided search (I like it. Gimme a break) where the user is presented with several categories and can repeatedly select from said categories to narrow the search.

I'm also going to be incorporating my DDR and ITG databases into one, along with PIU, beatmania, and Audio CDs (Such as V-RAREs and OSTs). Those will replace my current set of categories (BemaniPocket, DDR Club Version, Dancing Stage, etc).

Also on the plate is songlist popularity. Each entry will have an invisible hit counter that increments every time a given songlist is viewed (I'm still working out how that will function). Using those values, the front page will end up displaying the 10 most popular songlists...and maybe the least popular, with a sad face and a tear next to it.

If you, the reader, have any comments or ideas, feel free to drop me a PM at DDRUK.com.