DDR Song Lists 愛道
Song lists for the dancing masses

Browser Testing // natmal // 2007-02-22 10:03:23 EST I've looked at the site in Firefox, Opera 9.10, and IE7 (Via Total Validator), and it looks great--only minute differences, if any. IE6, however, doesn't respect the position:fixed; attribute so the copyright bar at the bottom is misplaced and its div is stretched horizontally. Not much I can do about that. Everything else displays fine. I'm going to talk to a few people about what to support then update this post.

Update: 2007-02-23: I've tested the site, and it looks fine in the following browsers, in addition to the big three (Firefox 2, Opera 9, IE 7), via TotalValidator.com:
Epiphany/Gnome v2
Firefox 1.5, Firefox 1.0, Mozilla 1.7
Konqueror v3
Safari v2

If you want me to support other browsers, by all means, send me a message.